Welcome to
S*Creamy Blueeye
A small cattery in home enviroment
Traditional lines.
My name is Inger Köhlberg and lives in Flöghult, approximately 20 km outside Strömstad
My greatest interest in life are my beloved Ragdolls.
I've had cats all my life, and bought my first pedigree cat in 1998. The year after that I started my own breeding under the cattery name S*Creamy Blueeye.
I show my cats , now and then, both in Sweden and in Norway.
The kittens can leave the cattery when they are 12 weeks old.
When they leave, the kittens are dewormed twice, they have had two shots of vaccine (Purevax RCPCh, catflu and Chlamydia) and have been inpected by a veterinary.
They are delivered with a SVERAK-pedigree and an insurance against hidden faults for three years.
I want my kittens to have good homes so I choose their new families carefully.
Seven generations of S*Creamy Blueeye
Bonnie born 2021
Daughter of Ida
Annie born 2021
Daughter of Oliana
Yasper born 2020
Daughter of Oliana
Oliana born 2018
Daughter of Vicky
Ida, daughter of Vicky. Born 2017
Gemma born 2016
Daughter of Rosalynn
Vicky, daughter of Rosalynn, born 2012
Rosalynn, daughter of Marion, born 2010
Marion, daughter of Azora, born 2007
Azora, daughter of Babsie, born 2000
My cat-breeding business started with Babsie, born 1997